

Blogerica ima savršen dokaz da vas utezi neće učiniti "velikima"

Blogerica ima savršen dokaz da vas utezi neće učiniti

Zdrava doza tjelovježbe, posebno ako ste skloniji kardio treninzima ili nekom drugom laganijem obliku aktivnosti neće vaše tijelo učiniti definiranim. To valjda znate, isto kao i to da vas utezi neće učiniti većima. Ili ono da kilaža nema baš previše veze s linijom.

Barem bi to trebali znati.

Onima koji to još uvijek ne znaju podastiremo i dokaz. Fitness blogerica Nadine Huber pokazala je na svom profilu kako to izgleda kada se inače mršava žena primi utega, nabaci na sebe hrpetine mišića, a opet ostane ne samo jednako "velika" kao prije već čak 25 posto teža nego prije.


BODY IMAGE ISSUES - Body Positivity Movement . . If there was a magic wand that could transform your body, what would you change so you could feel like your most confident, gorgeous self?� . . Most of us have at least one, if not a handful, of “fixes” we’d like to make to our appearance. It’s unusual to find women who are completely satisfied with how they look and feel in their body. Sadly, there are plenty of women who are flat out repulsed and disgusted with their body. . . I’m no stranger to body image issues and even some ppl would like to marginalize me from the body positivity movement (because by most people’s standards, I have a shapely figure now) I will share it with as many women as possible. After this topic was hotly debated on two of my previous posts, I realized how important it is, to talk about it.� . . BODY IMAGE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SIZE OR SHAPE; it is the product of peer, social, cultural and familial values. These values influence our self-perception, self worth and self-esteem. Therefore don’t judge a women (or men) on just the outside. She might look healthy, but from the inside turns out to be the opposite. The outside does not always define what’s going on, on the inside.� . . The body positive movement targets ALL BODY SHAPES AND SIZES! It encourages people to adopt more forgiving and affirming attitudes towards their bodies, with the goal of improving overall health and well-being. One girl has commented it with the perfect words: "BODY POSITIVITY IS NOT ABOUT WHAT YOUR BODY LOOKS LIKE, IT'S ABOUT RISING ABOVE LOOKS, WHATEVER THEY MAY BE."�� . . Love your body, love yourself. WE ARE ALL IN THIS! ❤ #selflove #bodypositive

A post shared by Nadine Huber (@house.of.huber) on Jun 20, 2017 at 9:12am PDT

Zvuči suludo, ali to je nebrojeno puta dokazana logika i veza između kilaže, utega i izgleda.

Njena je promjena stvarno drastična i vjerujemo da se sviđa baš svakome.

Reci što misliš!