

Lažna nadogradnja Windowsa krije virus

Lažna nadogradnja Windowsa krije virus

Ne klikajte na privitke unutar e-pošte nepoznatih pošiljatelja

Nije neuobičajeno da se autori virusa i slični zlonamjernici u svojim prljavim rabotama služe likom i djelom pravih kompanija. Najnovija internetska prijetnja dolazi u obliku poruke e-pošte, navodno poslane iz Microsofta.

Dobijete li kojim slučajem u svoj virtualni poštanski sandučić poruku sljedećeg sadržaja, znajte da se radi o klasičnom pokušaju distribucije virusa:

Dear Microsoft Customer,
Please notice that Microsoft company has recently issued a Security Update for OS Microsoft Windows. The update applies to the following OS versions: Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows Millenium, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista.
Please notice, that present update applies to high-priority updates category. In order to help protect your computer against security threats and performance problems, we strongly recommend you to install this update.
Since public distribution of this Update through the official website would have result in efficient creation of a malicious software, we made a decision to issue an experimental private version of an update for all Microsoft Windows OS users.
As your computer is set to receive notifications when new updates are available, you have received this notice.
In order to start the update, please follow the step-by-step instruction:
1. Run the file, that you have received along with this message.
2. Carefully follow all the instructions you see on the screen.
If nothing changes after you have run the file, probably in the settings of your OS you have an indication to run all the updates at a background routine. In that case, at this point the upgrade of your OS will be finished.
We apologize for any inconvenience this back order may be causing you.
Thank you,

Steve Lipner
Director of Security Assurance
Microsoft Corp.

Na najnoviju prijetnju upozoravaju iz službenog tabora Microsofta, o čemu su javnost izvijestili na svom službenom blogu posvećenom računalnoj sigurnosti. Jednako tako pozivaju sve korisnike koji prime poruku e-pošte sličnog sadržaja da slučaj prijave na ovu adresu.

Mi ćemo ponoviti ono što vrijedi ponavljati milijun puta - ne klikajte na privitke unutar e-pošte nepoznatih pošiljatelja, redovno nadograđujte sve aplikacije operacijskog sustava i svakako koristite neki oblik antivirusne i antispyware zaštite, također u najnovijim inačicama.

Reci što misliš!