
kakva transformacija!

Skinuo 40 kilograma da bi mogao trčati za svojom djecom, a sada za njim trče sve mame

Skinuo 40 kilograma da bi mogao trčati za svojom djecom, a sada za njim trče sve mame

'Nevjerojatno je što sam sve napravio u samo 5 mjeseci', kaže Jeremiah Peterson Montana, 40-godišnji Amarikanac koji je u najgoroj životnoj fazi težio čak 127 kg!

Život s troje male djece zahtjeva od svih roditelja kondiciju koju vjerojatno nemaju ni maratonci. A upravo je to 4. kolovoza 2017. godine shvatio Jeremiah Peterson Montana i taj dan bilježi kao najveću prekretnicu u svom životu!

Naime, tada je shvatio da zbog 127 kg ne samo kako ne može potrčati za svojom djecom od 9, 7, i 5 godina i tako propušta broje sretne trenutke s njima, nego i da mu je zdravlje ozbiljno naručeno. Zato je odlučio promijeniti prehranu i počeo aktivno vježbati.

‘Umjesto lijepih sjećanja na trenutke sa svojom djecom, ja sam stalno bio umoran i bez zraka. Tada sam pomislio – imaš troje djece – učini nešto‘, otkrio je Jeremiah za ‘Independent’.

U dogovoru s osobnim trenerom napravio je plan prehrane i vježbanja, a kao rezultat 5-mjesečnih napora uspio je skinuti čak 37 kg! Svoje priču dijeli i na društvenim mrežama, pa ne čudi kako su ga brojne mame počele pratiti zbog njegove nevjerojatne transformacije i fantastična izgleda!

Jeremiah je postao i veliki zagovornik keto dijete, a na pitanje kako je uspio u svom naumu iskreno odgovara – ‘ubio sam se od vježbanja’!


If you want to be in your best physical shape ALCOHOL is a huge NO! . Yes, all alcohol. That’s me drinking my water on vacation. For me my results are far more important then a quick buzz. There is so much more to life. . WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR WHAT TYPE OF BODY WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE STARING BACK AT YOU IN THE REFLECTION? If everyone was being honest they would tell you that they “want” to be in shape. . There is a reason everyone takes their progress photos before the weekend party or vacation. It’s because they know the havoc that alcohol and junk food cause to their body’s. WE ARE WHAT WE DO BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!! . The problem is that most people just TALK about their goals. . In reality, their day to day actions do not reflect the goals that they have talked about doing. . When people lack the ability to EXECUTE on what needs to be done to reach their goals.... . they feel the need to embellish on what they haven’t already accomplished... . because they are disappointed with themselves for not following through with promises that they made to themselves. . When you backend your goals with ACTION... you can simply let your results speak for themselves ��. . Transforming your body is no different than most things worth having in life. . Everyone wants to achieve their fitness goals but few people are willing to come to terms with what it will actually take to get there. . Most people are infatuated with the idea of getting in shape, but want nothing to do with the true EFFORT that IS required. . If you’re looking for a shortcut or magic pill, then you will never have success in your transformation or in life for that matter. . A successful transformation takes time and never happens overnight. . As much as we don’t like to admit it, we are creatures of habit. . The routines that we have in place this week are probably the same ones we had last week, and the same ones that will continue to follow week after week... . #hardestworkerintheroom . . #arete . . #dowork . . #wedothework . . #nevergiveup . . #selfimprovement . #behindthescenes

Objavu dijeli The Keto Fitness Coach (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) Lip 21, 2019 u 2:22 PDT

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