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Daily Mail nasjeo na objavu s parodijskog Twitter profila Stevea Jobsa
Daily mail danas je nasjeo na objavu s parodijskog Twitter profila Aplleovog Stevea Jobsa.
Naime, jedna od najtiražnijih britanskih novina u svom online izdanju kroz pero uglednog Richarda Ashmorea napisala je kako je Jobs na Twitteru poslao poruku: ‘Možda ćemo morati povući iPhone. To nisam očekivao.’
Nije trebalo dugo da se ta vijest proširi po cijelom svijetu, ali ubrzo se otkrilo da je vijest uzeta sparodiskog profila Stevea Jobsa koji uzgred ima više od 100 followera. Daily Mail je naknadno povukao članak i on se više ne može vidjeti, ali mi smo ga snimili.
U članku se spominju problemi otkriveni na novom Aplleovom gadgetu kao što je recimo problem nestanka signala kada korisnik rukom prekrije metalni dio ugrađen u lijevi donji dio uređaja.
Budući se članak više ne može pronaći na Daily Mailovim stranicama dajemo vam tekstualni dio članka (bez fotografija) na engleskom jeziku.
The much-vaunted new iPhone 4 may be recalled, Apple boss Steve Jobs revealed last night.
Posting a message on the social networking site Twitter, the tycoon said: ‘We may have to recall the new iPhone. This I did not expect.’
Launched in Britain last week, the £500 handset has been dogged by technical problems.
Reception has been found to cut out when users cover a metal band
built into the phone’s bottom left-hand corner.
The new iPhone was also said to be unsuitable for left-handed people.
Mr Jobs responded to complaints about the new iPhone losing its signal by telling users to 'just avoid holding it in that way'.
Angry users have complained that the phone's reception suddenly plunges to almost zero when they simply hold it in their hand.
Dozens of videos have been placed on YouTube showing the iPhone 4 losing signal the moment the metal antenna that surrounds the edge of the new device is covered.
Mr Jobs issued his bizarre advice as he responded to an email from a user on the Ars Technica technology news site who had complained about the sudden loss of signal.
In an astonishingly blunt response, Mr Jobs replied: 'Just avoid holding it in that way. All phones have sensitive areas'.
In a statement, Apple said: 'Gripping any mobile phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance, with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas.'
'This is a fact of life for every wireless phone. If you ever experience this on your iPhone 4, avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases.'
Apple claims that using one of its 'bumpers' - which cost £25 each and clip over the iPhone to protect it - will stop the user's hand interfering with the signal.
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